
Sunday 22 March 2015


Please excuse the pun.

Although it's not so important to me I understand a lot of people like to follow celebrities on social media. I know some have many millions of followers on other networks. Tsu did manage to get some big names early on, but not all of these stayed active. I followed people like Axl Rose and William Shattner, but they were not posting anything. I suspect that this partly due to Tsu not having an API that would allow posting updates to multiple networks at one. I don't know what they use to update Twitter, Facebook etc, but I have used IFTTT to update Facebook when I do other things, e.g. post a track on SoundCloud. Celebrities are busy people or they are paying someone to post for them and they won't want to mess around. It is possible to post a Tsu update to Twitter and Facebook automatically. That works okay on Facebook where people will see the whole post, including pictures, links and video, but on Twitter they will just see as much of the post as will fit along with a Tsu link that will only be properly visible if they sign up. This is only of the reasons I do not like Tsu being a 'walled garden'. I want my public posts to be visible to anyone.

There are some active celebrities (major or minor) on Tsu and some of these have followings of around 100,000. I'm not sure that is enough for some of them to hang around when they can get millions elsewhere. The few dollars they earn on Tsu are not significant to them.

Tsu has sprouted its own set of celebrities. One of the best known is Kevin Hinkle. I understand he was homeless, but through posting about health, diet and inspiring people he has earned several hundred dollars in the last few months. His most recent stunt was to write a post to say he would not write any more until that one got 10,000 comments, and it did in a matter of days.

Note that Kevin has a green tick to indicate he is a verified user. Normally you get that if you can link to a verified Facebook or Twitter account. Tsu are offloading the work of checking that people are who they say they are to those networks. I think Kevin knows the Tsu team and was awarded the tick. There are of course lots of fake accounts. I've had friend requests from Mark Zuckerbrg (sic). I don't follow Kevin as I'm not that interested in his posts and I have to focus my attention on what is interesting to me.

Other people have got big by helping people learn about Tsu. Jon Dun is one such. I've had numerous discussions with him. I see he also has a tick.

Tsu does less well than some other sites at suggesting who you should follow. There is a Discover Users page, but it only show verified users and give no indication if they are active. This needs to be improved. Other sites suggest people based on who you follow and what you might be interested in. It's generally difficult to find people on Tsu as the search is limited. Some people are posting lists on Tsu or on their own sites.

I've mostly found people via shared posts or when they write an interesting comment. I have had a few friend requests that I did accept, but the bulk of those are basically spam. I've disabled friend requests for now so I don't have to deal with them. People will have to message me if they want to link up.

I'll write more about friends and followers soon.

If you are thinking of joining Tsu then please consider using my link Please leave feedback if you have questions or suggestion.

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